Riley Creuco-Garard
Experience: Riley started as an after-school trainee in 2022, he applied for a job with us after seeing an Ad on Facebook. It’s been a few years since that, and he proved to be a fast learner and can be told something once and he does it. His intelligence and sense of humour make a winning combination for his position, clients appreciate his customer service skills! Riley's positive attitude, multitasking abilities, and willingness to assist others have not gone unnoticed by the team.
Riley is a born and bred Townsville boy with a fascination for all things IT. He loves pulling apart computers to find out how they work and spends his spare time socialising with friends and gaming. He graduated year 12 in 2022 where he's continued to work with us full time. Initially Riley worked part time while studying, with his favorite subjects being Digital Solutions and Information, and Communciation and Technology.
Zane Webb
Experience: When the boss saw the subject heading “Passionate Nerd Looking for Work”, he simply had to meet him and he didn’t disappoint. Zane’s confident demeaner and can-do attitude had him starting work the following Monday. Since he started working at The Computer Workshop in February 2023 Zane has proved to be an asset in Tech Bay. His patience for tasks both small and large is allowing to learn quickly and complete tasks with both great care and attention to detail.
Zane moved from Sydney with his family to Townsville 2012 and then to acreage in Bluewater in 2013. At their farm he has the responsibility of looking after goats, horses, chickens and turkeys. He was such a good student at Townsville Grammar that he received a bursary and graduated in 2022. He is also passionate about martial arts, especially Brazilian Jujitsu. He especially enjoys sports shooting at targets because he likes to be precise, another great attribute we appreciate at The Computer Workshop.