e-Waste is essentially anything that:
- holds digital information / data such as computers, phones, hard drives and printers; or
- is an electronic item and has reached the end of its useful life, has been superseded by a new model or is broken and no longer works.
In the same way that it is a legal requirement to shred documents containing personal information before disposing of them, it’s important to make sure any electronic items and IT equipment that you wish to dispose of cannot compromise your business, your customers, your employees or yourself. With the introduction of the Australian Notifiable Data Breach (NDB) and GDPR laws in 2017 it has never been more important to make sure you are compliant. At The Computer Workshop Group, we can ensure that any devices that may have held sensitive data are destroyed correctly and securely. Some e-waste does not contain data and as such the destruction process is not required. In some states it is illegal to dispose of e-waste in landfill or general waste, other States will soon follow. It is also not environmentally responsible to dispose of e-waste in general waste or landfill.
The Computer Workshop Group securely destroy many forms of e-waste, the most common e-waste products we destroy are:
- Hard Drive
- Digital Media
- Computer & Laptop
- Mobile Phone
- Monitors
- Servers
- Printers
Our pricing depends on a number of factors:
- The volume of equipment to be destroyed / recycled.
- The distance you are from one of our branches.
- The amount of staff required to collect the equipment.
- Whether any of the equipment has value and could be recycled.
- Whether heavy lifting machinery is required to load up the equipment.
On occasion we have performed these services on a nil cost basis if the equipment could be recycled once the data had been securely erased or hard drives removed and destroyed.

Allow us to help you save time and prevent unwanted access to your data by having us manage the e-waste from your site today.
Contact one of our friendly staff at any of our branches for more information.