Do you ever feel like you think you need a university degree to understand your phone bill. I know I did. That’s because most telcos have a billing model that suits them rather than the client.
That’s why I’m so grateful to the team of technicians at The Computer Workshop. They give clients options and clearly explain how they will be billed. When they meet with a business to implement a new phone system, they ask lots of questions to find out exactly what is needed. Many know exactly what they want but there are a lot who have no idea of the options available or even what questions to ask. I know I was oblivious to the new technology currently on the market. Every system they install is custom designed depending on the needs of the business. Their agenda is not to sell a particular product but solve problems by providing the solutions best suited to the needs of the client. Such a refreshing approach when we’re so used to telcos telling us what we can have. The best part is there is no contract involved to tie you down if you’re not happy with the service. I’ve heard they haven’t lost a single telco client yet. That speaks volumes.
The downside of “no contracts” is an upfront investment in hardware and labour but their prices are very reasonable and there are no long term leasing agreements involved. Most business have found they get such an excellent return for their investment when their internet and phones work efficiently so productivity goes up followed by an increase in revenue. It’s sad to think of all the businesses who are limiting their growth simply because their phones and internet don’t work properly.
Since they’re not affiliated with any phone provider, they can use a variety of wholesalers to provide the best product for any business. Your internet/phone bill is issued directly from The Computer Workshop so if you have any questions, they’re right here in Townsville to answer your questions, and it doesn’t take an hour to get to talk to a real person. If you have any problems, they don’t palm you off to any of the big telcos but fix the issue themselves as speedily and efficiently as they can.
They can offer cloud based PABX phone systems with multiple lines and unlimited extensions in various forms from the old faithful desk phone and cordless phones, standard or ruggedized to apps on mobiles or computers with headsets. Some clients have a variety of extensions depending on the preferences of their staff. Any equipment they provide is of commercial standard and can be used by any telco. There are some providers who issue equipment that can only be used for their services thus tying the business down if they want to continue using the handsets provided.
Billing is also specifically designed to suit. They can offer the number of voice channels for calls coming in so you no longer have to miss out on calls when the lines are in use.
For calls going out, they can offer billing on a “cost per call basis” or they can offer a voice channel with unlimited calls to local/national/ mobile and 13 numbers for a set price. If, however, a second line is picked up, it will be billed at the cost per call basis. Many clients will have a number of voice channels with unlimited calls if their business requires their staff to make lots of calls. Since they don’t insist on contracts with any of their services, they can change plans at any stage in an effort to make sure their clients get the best value available.
In this economy, the best value is what we’re all after.